January 8, 2024
Dear Parents and Guardians,
“We saw his star at its rising and have come to do him homage.” (Matthew 2:2)
Like the Magi watching the star, it is important to be aware and keep an eye out for the moments we see and feel Christ’s presence in our life. In that moment, “do him homage” and give praise and thanks to God for the graces and blessings received.
Knowing every nation on earth will adore Him,
Ms. Danielle Gonzalez
Friday, January 12
- $1 TAG Day for all students, faculty and staff
Saturday, January 13
- 10:00 AM Knight of Columbus FREE THROW Contest.
- Boys and Girls ages 9-14
- St. Philip Prep Gym
- For questions contact Steve Shukaitis 973-418-1717
Monday, January 15
- No School – Martin L. King Jr. Day
Tuesday, January 16
- Parent portal is closed while teachers finalize grades
- Grades 6-8 Language Arts and Literature Midterm Exam
Wednesday, January 17
- Grade 5 – Math Midterm Exam
- Grades 6-8 Math and Religion Midterm Exam
Thursday, January 18
- Grade 5 – Reading Midterm Exam
- Grades 6-8 Science and Social Studies Midterm Exam
- 6:30 PM HSA Cigar and Whiskey Night: https://drive.google.com/file/d/18JQCYgteoq0IdYBVWwuOf6cuDOwpmGT-/view?usp=sharing
Friday, January 19
- 8th Grade Graduation Pictures – *Students must wear their full school dress uniform.
- Grade 5 – Science Midterm Exam
Catholic Schools Week begins Sunday, January 28, 2024. The theme this year is Catholic Schools: United in Faith and Community. There is a great week planned to celebrate at St. Philip Preparatory School! Take a look below.
Sunday, 1/28 – Kickoff to Catholic Schools Week Mass – Attend 10 AM Mass at St. Philip the Apostle Parish! Children’s choir will be singing. We ask all students attending to wear the school uniform.
Monday, 1/29 – Celebrate our Community – Mrs. Clifford has organized a guest speaker with Maryknoll Missionaries who will speak to all the classes.
* ATTIRE for the day: There will be a $2 minimum donation to dress down for all students, faculty and staff. All money collected will be donated to Maryknoll Missionaries. Feel free to donate more if you can.
Tuesday, 1/30 – Celebrate our School – Bishop Sweeney will be celebrating the 9 AM Mass for our school. There will be a Pep Rally organized by 8th grade in the Auditorium at the end of the day.
* ATTIRE for the day: This will be a Spirit Day and students can also wear green and yellow accessories. Any accessories will need to be removed before going over to church. *No leggings – gym sweatpants or SPPS pajama bottoms only.
Wednesday, 1/31 – Celebrate our Vocations – Career Day.
* ATTIRE for the day: Students are invited to dress up as their future career aspirations.
Thursday, 2/1 – Celebrate our Students – Buddy Day
* ATTIRE for the day: Dress Like Your Buddy Class. (More information to come from your child’s homeroom teacher.)
Friday, 2/2 – Celebrate our Church – Conclude Catholic Schools Week by attending 9 AM Mass (Feast of the Presentation). The National Junior Honor Society Induction Ceremony will take place after Mass in the Church.
* ATTIRE for the day: Regular school uniform and attire unless it is a Gym day for PreK – 5th grade. All middle school students will be in regular “dress” uniforms.
As per the Virtus announcement (reminder below), if you are having trouble logging on to the site, please email Eric Wilsusen at EWilsusen@patersondiocese.org or Joanne Mikolajczyk at jmikolajczyk@patersondiocese.org to receive your username and temporary change of password if needed.
This applies to ALL faculty, staff and volunteers who have completed the Virtus training!!!
Beginning 1-1-2024, the safe environment policy will now require online retraining every five years. To start, all active VIRTUS accounts who attended their initial training from 2003 to 2019 must complete their retraining online, and all will have until 7-1-2024 to do so.
*******Before 1-1-2024, it will be extremely important that you check all your active accounts and make sure they all have an email address on their account.******
VIRTUS will push out an email notification to all who are required to comply.
Online training is ONLY available for retraining. Online training is not an option for our initial training.