November 6, 2023
Dear Parents and Guardians,
“…That, in receiving the word of God from hearing us, you received not a human word but, as it truly is, the word of God, which is now at work in you who believe.”
(1 Thessalonians 2:13)
Simply listening to, or reading, the word of God, brings grace to our lives. How often do I read or listen to the Scripture or take time for spiritual reading? Like a plant that is water and cared for will grow and bloom, so too will we grow and bloom as a child of God when we are watered with holy words and passages from Scripture.
Take time to reflect on the Mass reading. Maybe order a book from Amazon written by a Saint or spiritual leader. Read and let the word of God take root in you.
In you, Lord, I have found my peace,
Ms. Danielle Gonzalez
Sunday, November 5 – Daylight Saving Time ends! Turn the clocks back 1 hour.
Monday, November 6
- Book Fair begins.
Tuesday, November 7
- 7:00 PM HSA General Meeting for Parents.
Thursday, November 9
- End of Marking Period 1
Friday, November 10
- $2 Tag Day in honor of Veterans Day. Dress in red, white or blue. All money collected will go towards the Tunnel to Towers Foundation. If students, faculty and staff would like to make a bigger donation than the $2 for Tag Day, please feel free to do so for this cause!
- Veterans Day Presentation during Morning Assembly followed by a continental breakfast for the invited Veterans and their student host. Invited guests must RSVP using the flier that was sent home with students:
- HSPT Test for 8th Grade (Due to testing time, Grade 8 will not be present for the Veterans Day Presentation).
Early Dismissal
- 11:30 AM PreK3
- 11:45 AM PreK4
- 12 noon K through Grade 8
*HSPT Testing will conclude approximately between 12:00-12:30 PM.
8th grade parents, please refer to the letter sent home last week from
Ms. Bennett & Mrs. Banyai for additional information.
* Parent/Teacher Conferences are this week! Your child’s homeroom teacher should be communicating with parents directly to set up a meeting.
Thursday, November 16
- Early Dismissal for Parent/Teacher Conferences
- 11:30 AM PreK3
- 11:45 AM PreK4
- 12 noon – Kindergarten through Grade 8
Friday, November 17
- Early Dismissal for Parent/Teacher Conferences
- 11:30 AM PreK3
- 11:45 AM PreK4
- 12 noon – Kindergarten through Grade 8