Weekly Parent Letter May 20, 2024

May 20, 2024

DearParents and Guardians,

“When the time for Pentecost was fulfilled, they were all in one place together…Then there appeared to them tongues as of fire…and they were all filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak in different tongues, as the Spirit enabled them to proclaim.” 

(Acts 2: 1-4)

Reflection for Pentecost Sunday written by Anne Burleigh:

Every year, the tongues of Pentecostal fire: restoration, the reordering of language so that the recipients can understand the universal truth of God’s word – that is, Jesus Christ.  When our language reflects the Word, the eyes of our mind refocus with new clarity. Our reason catches fire, and we become bold.  Pentecost means nothing less than reordering our minds to Truth.

Praying with you, “Lord, send out your Spirit, and renew the face of the earth”,

Ms. Danielle Gonzalez


Monday, May 20

  • 10:00 AM School-wide rosary in the Church for Grades 2-8. (Lead by Grade 2)

Tuesday, May 21

  • Grade 8 Final Exams: Science and Social Studies
  • 9:00 AM Grade 2 attends Mass followed by First Communion Breakfast

Wednesday, May 22

  • Grade 8 Final Exams: Literature and Language Arts
  • NJHS Homework Club after school for grades 2 & 3

Thursday, May 23 – WALK-A-THON

  • Walk-a-thon: All students, faculty and staff can wear SPPS SPIRIT Wear today.
  • Grade 8 Final Exams: Math and Religion 

Friday, May 24

  • Grade 7 Field Trip


Monday, May 27  

  • No School.  Happy Memorial Day!

Tuesday, May 28 

  • Genius Convention for Grade 7 and 8 Science Classes

Wednesday, May 29

  • Field Day – All students, faculty and staff can wear SPPS Spirit Wear.
  • NJHS Homework Club after school for grades 2 & 3 (last day) 

Thursday, May 30

  • Field Day – Rain Date

Friday, May 31

  • Grade 5 – Religion Final Exam
  • 10:00 AM Baccalaureate Mass for Grade 8 
    • Grades 6 and 7
    • Siblings of graduates will be called from class to attend the Mass.  Siblings will return to classes after the Mass. It is a full day of school for them.   


VOTER VOICE – Second Request.  

PLEASE PARTICIPATE! It takes less than 5 minutes.

Your support (faculty, staff and parents) is needed for the  2025 NJ State Budget as proposed by Governor Murphy to raise the per pupil amount in the current proposed budget. We can do that by contacting members of the NJ Legislature on the two key issues of Nursing Services and TransportationCurrent funding does not cover a full-time nurse at St. Philip Preparatory school.

VoterVoice is the easiest and most efficient method. Here is the link to VoterVoice:


If you are unfamiliar with using VoterVoice just click on the above link, enter the information, add your personal comments if you choose, and then hit send. It’s that easy!


END of Year Calendar

To date, two Emergency Days were used to close school.  Pending there are no more Emergency Days needed, the last day of school with the students will be Monday, June 17, 2024.

  • Monday, June 10th through Wednesday, June 12th will be full days of school.
  • Thursday, June 13, 2024: Half Day with Aftercare (LAST day of Aftercare.)
  • Friday, June 14, 2024: Half Day with NO Aftercare
  • Monday, June 17, 2024: Half Day with NO Aftercare

SUMMER Opportunities for the Children

  • MHC Camp – Open House April 14, 2024 from 12:00 – 2:00 PM
    • For students that are going into Pre-K 4 through going into 8th grade
    • Dates of Camp: June 24-July 26, 2024




  • Don Bosco Prep Summer Theater
  • St. Philip Parish Vacation Bible School (VBS)
    • We invite Children in Kindergarten through Fifth grade.
    • July 29 – August 2
    • 8:30 AM to Noon
    • Songs, skits, snacks, games, crafts, logo t-shirt
    • Registration begins May 25th
    • Students –  want 30 Community Service Hours?  Sign up to be Junior Leaders!
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