Weekly Parent Letter September 18, 2023

September 18, 2023

Dear Parents and Guardians,

“Peter approached Jesus and asked him,’Lord, if my brother sins against me, how often must I forgive?  As many as seven times?’  Jesus answered, “I say to you, not seven times but seventy-seven times.’ ” (Matthew 18:21-22)

This is probably a scripture passage we all know by heart.  Although a familiar passage, are we able to apply it to our daily lives? We might fall short from time to time in the area of forgiveness.  However, God is all-loving and all-merciful.  How wonderful!  Struggling to forgive someone in your life? Look to the Lord and ask Him to open your heart to have room for peace, love and joy.  

Knowing the Lord is kind and merciful,

Ms. Danielle Gonzalez


Monday, September 18

  • NWEA testing begins this week for Grades 4-8

Information for Parents:


Tuesday, September 19

  • NWEA Testing Grades 6-8 Day 1
  • NWEA Testing Grades 4 & 5 Day 1
  • 5:00-7:00 PM 3rd and 4th Grade Girls Basketball Tryouts

Wednesday, September 20

  • 5:00-7:00 PM 3rd and 4th Grade Boys Basketball Tryouts
  • 7:00-9:15 PM 7th and 8th Grade Boys Basketball Tryouts

Thursday, September 21

  • NWEA Testing Grades 6-8 Day 2
  • NWEA Testing Grades 4 & 5 Day 2
  • 5:00-7:00 PM 5th and 6th Grade Girls Basketball Tryouts
  • 7:00-9:15 PM 7th and 8th Grade Girls Basketball Tryouts

Friday, September 22

  • 5:00-7:00 PM 5th and 6th Grade Boys Basketball Tryouts


Monday, September 25

  • 7:00 PM Safety Meeting for parents (Auditorium)

Tuesday, September 26

  • NWEA Testing Grades 1-3 Day 1

Thursday, September 28

  • NWEA Testing Grades 1-3 Day 2
  • Make-up Testing for Grades 4-8

Friday, September 29

  • Spirit Day, All students, faculty and staff can wear SPPS Spirit Wear today,
  • NWEA make-up testing for all students Grades 1-8



We welcome

  • Michelle Lagomarsino – After Care Director
  • Fran Macaluso – Grade 1 Paraprofessional
  • Doranyis (Dory) Tolentino – PreK4A Paraprofessional


Summer Uniform

  • Gray Shorts
  • White Polo Shirt with school name
  • Gray Socks
  • Black Shoes.

From the beginning of the school year until October 15th, and again from May 1st until the end of the school year, the Summer Uniform (Charcoal Gray Summer Uniform shorts and the White Short Sleeve Polo Shirt) may be worn by both boys and girls.

* Please note Principal Gonzalez has approved that girls in Grades 5-8 are permitted to wear their gray skirts with the polo shirts.


The Lunch Menu is now on the school website:


Lunch Prices can also now be viewed on the school website:


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