Author: Chrisann Lucciola

January 8, 2024   Dear Parents and Guardians,   “We saw his star at its rising and have come to do him homage.” (Matthew 2:2) 
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December 18, 2023 Dear Parents and Guardians, Advent Week 3 – JOY “Rejoice always.” (1 Thessalonians 5:16) St. Thomas Aquinas taught, “Joy is caused by 
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December 11, 2023 Dear Parents and Guardians, Advent Week 2 – PEACE “Comfort, give comfort to my people, says your God.  Speak tenderly to Jerusalem…” 
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December 4, 2023 Dear Parents and Guardians, Advent Week 1 – HOPE “Be watchful! Be alert!” (Mark 13:33) For those who believe, the Lord whose 
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November 20, 2023 Dear Parents and Guardians, “For you yourselves know very well that the day of the Lord will come like a thief at 
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November 13, 2023 Dear Faculty and Staff, “Resplendent and unfading is wisdom, and she is readily perceived by those who love her, and found by 
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November 6, 2023 Dear Parents and Guardians, “…That, in receiving the word of God from hearing us, you received not a human word but, as 
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October 30, 2023 Dear Parents and Guardians, “I love you, Lord, my strength.” (Psalm 18) Have you ever been working out or exercising and thought 
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October 23, 2023 Dear Parents and Guardians, “I am the Lord and there is no other, there is no God besides me.” (Isaiah 45:5) If 
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October 16, 2023 Dear Parents and Guardians, “The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want in verdant pastures he gives me repose; beside restful 
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